Serving The Modern Orthodox Jewish Community Since 1974

Frequently Asked Question

Frequently Asked Question

How do I get more information?

To get more information please call or email the camp office and if you want, you can set up an appointment to take a tour of the camp during the summer.

Where are the campers from?

Most of the campers are from the Tri-state area as well as Florida, California, Israel, Tennessee, Texas and London.

How often does laundry get done?

Once a week – onsite.

Can I email letters?

You can email your camper anytime through Campminder, which can be found on the home page of our website. We print all emails first thing in the morning. Your camper will receive the emails after the mail has arrived and has been sorted.

When can I call my child?

Your child will call you several times over the summer. Schedule to be provided before the summer.

Can I send packages?

Packages have become very hard to deal with over the summer and the clutter up the bunks therefore, we no longer allow packages be sent to camp. In the event your child needs something necessary and we cannot get the item please call the camp office and we will make an exception.

How does my child receive their medication?

Your child receives their medication from the camp nurses during mealtime unless otherwise instructed.

What if my child gets sick or injured?

We have a full-time nursing staff as well as a camp doctor. Most illnesses and injuries can be treated in camp. If your child needs further attention they will be taken to Wayne Memorial Hospital a short trip away.

How often does my child shower?

Campers are given an hour every night to shower and get ready for dinner and night activity. The counselors and division heads will make sure that the campers shower everyday

Who makes my child's bed?

They do!

Who cleans my child's bunk?

The campers clean up there individual areas everyday and are inspected at the end of cleanup. The camp sends housekeepers to the bunks to mop and clean the bathrooms twice a day.

How much spending money should I send?

No cash should be sent to camp. We recommend sending a prepaid credit/debit card with $25-$50. The camp will send out additional information on this.

How do you make up the bunks?

We review your requests extensively, as well as considering previous summers and guidance from camp leadership to determine bunks.

When can I visit my child?

In order not to interrupt the camp programming and for security reasons we only allow parents to visit the camp ONLY on the assigned visiting day.

What can I do for my child's birthday?

Birthdays are a very special day for your child and we will give him/her a birthday cake during lunch or dinner. We offer a variety of celebration options based on the campers age range. We will provide more information in this before the summer.